Monday, August 6, 2007

Those pretty angels..!

i always think good friends as angels sent by God to strengthen us in our times of tribulation.
you don't get good friends whereever you go. they are a rare breed.

sometimes, we need to find out good friends who get along very well with our personality.
but sometimes we get them without any effort.

i'm so fortunate to get good friends all along my life.
i thank God very much for giving such friends.

when you have problem, as a first measure you need to go to God and express it.
but God cannot speak to you directly. He speaks to you through such good friends.

good friends are precious. you need to preserve those friendships.

sometimes we may think that we don't have any good friends around.
open your eyes...
the next one sitting near you may be that wonderful angel God has sent for you !!!

These thoughts just came into my mind as one of my best friends K.S.Raja left our company to India.

Hi K.S, if you are reading this blog, i just want to say that you are very very special to me.